Starring Jacquelyn Velvets, Sasha, and introducing: Kyoko and Carrie! We fade in on two rival pairs of spies both breaking into the same compound from different entry points. What follows is a series of different KO encounters, featuring karate chops, double punch KOs, a double sleeper KO, and a final 4-girl sleepy spray KO that leads both teams to put their differences aside in order to infiltrate the compound’s strong room. Little do they know, but all FOUR ladies have been kept under watch by the compound’s viciously playful caretaker (played by Rick). We get a short glimpse of all four ladies making their way past his secret cameras as he lets out a long and satisfying chuckle. We fade into Rick’s inner sanctum, where the ladies suddenly find themselves victims of his knockout games that leave all four spies lined up on a nearby couch, destined to sleep the night away.
This movie contains double punch KO, double neck chop KOs, double sleeper hold KOs, 4 girl sleepy spray KOs, sleepy gas KOs, blackjack KOs, over the shoulder carries, cradle carries, body piles, rag dolling, limp limb manipulation
22 minutes run time
Resolution - 720x1280
File Size - 707 MB

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