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Code Of (Un)Ethics


Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Kiara Star

Secret Bikini Agent Kiara Star is in a bind. She desperately needs to find the code hidden somewhere in this apartment. The code opens a door that the Agency is desperate to get behind, and every Agent so far has failed to get her hands on it. Kiara is sure she's got it though... her confidence is only matched by her abilities. This code will be in her hands by the end of the day!

However, Kiara doesn't know that the Agency has also dispatched Jacquelyn Velvets... and the more experienced Agent is likely to share the spoils! As soon as Kiara finds the code, the girls will engage in a brutal back and forth, knocking each other out repeatedly using whatever means they have at their disposal. Neck chops, breast smothers... even a vicious strike in the face with a shoe... nothing is too undignified to be used as a KO!

For just a moment, it seems like the ladies might make an accord. Perhaps they'll split the loot and work together... but Kiara quickly puts an end to any such ideas with a sudden but inevitable betrayal! In the end, though, Jacquelyn Velvets is the most notorious Agent in the Bikini Agency for a reason...

This movie contains multiple neck chop KOs, bikini top choke with neck chop KO, shoe KO, breast smothering, toplessness


  • 14 minutes runtime
  • Resolution - 1920x1080
  • File Size - 1.68 GB

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